Aerobic Capacity and Hypertophy


Phase 2 of War Machine continues to build your aerobic base while shifting your strength work to higher volumes and lighter loading. This phase includes rucking and core work as well.

Photo icon of man doing a situp with a heavy bag


Perfect for those that are not new to training or have done a few of our programs already.

Photo icon of a gym full of people on bikes

Full Gym Required

This program requires access to a full gym with barbells, dumbbells, plates, racks, and kettlebells.

Photo icon of a women lifting a heavy weight across her shoulders

Hybrid Program

This program includes both Strength and Conditioning elements to make you not only strong, but fast.

Who it’s for:

Phase 2 of War Machine is for those that have finished Phase 1 or have been told to start here due to a consolidated timeline.


What it does:

Phase 2 builds upon the base developed in phase 1. Additionally you’ll see a transition from heavy lifting at lower volumes to more moderate strength training designed to prepare you for phase 3.


What it’s like:

There are some pretty big changes in your strength work not only with exercises but with your volume and intensity. You’ll also see Work Capacity and Tempo training introduced during this phase.


How long it is:

4 weeks of training with 6 training sessions per week for a total of 24 training sessions.


Sample Session

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2 reviews for WAR MACHINE – Phase 2

  1. Philip Samuels

    Just wrapped it up today and I got great results. For reference, I completed Phase 1 directly before starting this program. I was able to progressively overload my lifts in the exact way the plan wanted me to while also enjoying benefiting from the longer aerobic capacity efforts. I did 100% of the aerobic work running and did not have any issues doing so. The addition of one quality run a week (tempo run in this case) was a welcome addition, and my pace during these runs was progressively faster as the weeks went by. Aesthetically I definitely had some muscle growth. Once a week I threw in some extra bicep and tricep work and did not have any problems with the bit of additional volume. I feel well prepared heading into Phase 3!


    I started this after a deload week following phase 1. I’m 44 years old and decided to take a break from Crossfit and work through this War Machine Programming. Phase 2 was a good mix of strength, and endurance, and started to sprinkle in higher intensity aerobic work. Winter is still in full effect up here in Maine so all the runs were done inside on an air runner. I am curious how the outside runs are going to feel after being a hamster for a month. I did jack up a bicep somehow so really struggled with pull ups but could supplement with chin ups. The toes to sky and EOs couplets were humbling and felt like a true abdominal smoke session. I did find that I had trouble getting back on the gas with only a minute rest on the weightlifting bodylifting high volume days. I probably went too heavy and should have maybe went lighter and been more disciplined about rest intervals. If I were actually trying to go to selection, I think the quicker recovery and improved endurance would help more with the daily demands. All in all, very happy, and excited to get into Phase 3, and hopefully the arm heals during the downtime. I was only able to do 4 5 sessions per week and felt like I was recovering well. Can’t really say I noticed any hypertrophy. Maybe a bit leaner, but beating the ! out of yourself every morning really discourages one from drinking too much beer in the evenings, which probably was more of the driver.

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