Aerobic Capacity and Maximal Strength

War Machine is our go-to program for military personnel. This program is appropriate for those just entering the pipeline or attending a selection course such as RASP, SFAS, or BUDS.

Perfect for those that are not new to training or have done a few of our programs already.

Full Gym Required
This program requires access to a full gym with barbells, dumbbells, plates, racks, and kettlebells.

Hybrid Program
This program includes both Strength and Conditioning elements to make you not only strong, but fast.
War Machine is a military specific training program comprised of 6 phases, each lasting 4 weeks. With de-load weeks and assessments, the total macrocycle length is 30 weeks long.
This program is designed to build the military athlete from the ground up in a progressive and periodized manner. Although each phase has 2 primary attributes, military specific fitness will be trained during the entire duration of the program.
War Machine is a high volume program, designed for younger athletes looking to attend a selection course or join the military. The nature of those types of endeavors requires a high tolerance for volume which is built by training at high volumes. Older athletes doing this program may need to drop their training frequency to 4 or 5 times a week to ensure adequate recovery.
Who it’s for:
War Machine is appropriate for anyone looking to serve in the military regardless of branch or level. It also serves as an excellent LEO / FIRE training program as many organizations use running and bodyweight movements to assess candidates.
Volume and intensity is based on ability, so this program scales up or down based on current fitness level.
What it does:
Phase 1 specifically develops a foundation of conditioning through aerobic capacity training. This sets the foundation for future training phases which include much higher intensity training protocols. Additionally this phase focuses on building general strength through traditional barbell lifts to prepare the body for the higher volume of work that military selections and courses demand.
What it’s like:
Expect lower intensity conditioning circuits with a emphasis on running. Strength work will be barbell based during this phase. You’ll see rucking, core, and body weight exercises done weekly.
How long it is:
4 weeks of training with 6 training sessions per week for a total of 24 training sessions.
Sample Session
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Greg Thomas –
I’m in my mid 40s and still forget I can’t go hard out of the gate. Even when I scale back I’m not doing it right. This was a perfect spool up. I forgot how awesome it is to have quality programming. Follow the instructions and I think you’ll come out there other side feeling ready to go. The beauty of this is it scales really well, so no matter how bad you think you are, you are going to get worked over.
Jake –
Hell ya! Get some.