
Strength - Phase 2


Mohican is the second block of training the Raider Strength Program. This program transitions you from Comanche to Apache and focuses on moving heavier loads on the bar.    

Photo icon of man doing a situp with a heavy bag


Perfect for those that are not new to training or have done a few of our programs already.

Photo icon of a gym full of people on bikes

Full Gym Required

This program requires access to a full gym with barbells, dumbbells, plates, racks, and kettlebells.

Photo icon of a women lifting a heavy weight across her shoulders

Hybrid Program

This program includes both Strength and Conditioning elements to make you not only strong, but fast.

Who it’s for:

Mohican is for intermediate to advanced athletes who completed Comanche, phase 1 of the Raider cycle.


What it does:

Mohican builds upon the strength developed in Comanche. You’ll see progressions in not only volume but intensity as we shift more of our work to the strength side of the spectrum.


What it’s like:

Mohican has a big barbell emphasis. You can expect to work the Back Squat, Front Squat, Bench Press, and Military Press regularly using two different types of strength circuits. One is based on a max reps assessment and the other based on your 1 rep max. You’ll also see the Deadlift, Clean, and Push Press utilized quite frequently but trained at much lower volumes. We continue to work speed and work capacity but not as frequently as we did in Comanche. For recovery days you’ll see long 60 minute aerobic capacity efforts.


How long it is:

9 weeks of training with 5 training sessions per week for a total of 45 training sessions.


Sample Session

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1 review for Mohican

  1. Anthony Walters

    Great program. I feel very well rounded and balanced in finishing this part of the cycle, both with cardio and strength training. Noticeable results in the mirror too! More than any other program so far. Make sure to start with Commanche first.

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