

From the Coaches Desk
Coach Jordan

Show Horse vs. Racehorse

  Aesthetics vs. Performance In today’s fitness world, there’s a growing debate between focusing on aesthetics (the show horse) versus performance (the racehorse). The harsh reality is that there’s a big difference between looking in shape and being in shape. When people say they want to get in shape, they

From the Coaches Desk
Coach Jordan

The Power of Progression

In the world of fitness, progression is the key to success. Progression means making something harder, and it is essential to make progress in your training. Whether you’re looking to get stronger, faster, or more fit, progression is the defining hallmark of training.   There are three ways to progress

Coach Jake

The Harbinger – Military Physical Fitness Test

Assessing Operational Readiness The Harbinger is our military physical fitness assessment. At any given time of the year the operator should be able to pass this assessment. Not only does this test show whether or not the individual is physically prepared for duty but also identifies which physical attributes need

Coach Jake

Front Squats and Wrist Pain

The Front Squat is a great exercise, but it does require a good amount of wrist mobility.   Ideally, you can set up in a good front rack position which has direct carryover to the clean. Although ideal, it’s not necessary.   Some athletes will have enough discomfort in the

Coach Jake

Too Many Goals

All too often we athletes come to us with simply too many goals.   We hear things like this way too often: “I want to put on muscle mass, burn fat, and get stronger and faster.”   In today’s video we address an athlete’s question about combining multiple goals into

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Training Concepts
Coach Jake

Work Capacity Execution

Time and time again we see athletes approach work capacity efforts incorrectly.   We have specific guidelines for our athletes to optimize their approach at these circuits.   Proper pacing Elimination of unnecessary rest Acceptance of discomfort   In the video below we talk through how these and how not

The Forge
Coach Jake

Food for the Backcountry

On the final night of the Forge last year one of the attendees looked over at me as I was murdering a Beef Stroganoff and asked “so how did everyone know about those freeze-dried meals? I’ve been eating cold tuna every night.” The type and amount of food you bring

Exercise Technique
Coach Jake


As I was coaching yesterday, I noticed more than a few athletes really struggling with RDL, or Romanian Deadlift. Unlike a deadlift from the ground, a RDL is simply a big hinge that works the posterior chain. Many athletes believe the further they hinge, the more they get out of

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Exercise Technique
Coach Jake


In our gym few exercises conjure up feelings of despair and dread more than the Sandbag Getup.   Although not an extremely technical exercise there are still a handful of tips and tricks that will make this exercise easier.   In the video below Coach Jake Saenz talks through these

Equipment and Gear
Coach Jake


Contrary to what many think, we don’t actually put sand in our Sandbags, and neither should you.   In this VIDEO Coach Jake Saenz talks about the types of Sandbags they use, and how they fill them.   If you have one of these training tools at home and it’s

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