— Atomic Athlete —


Example Session

Warmup: 3 rounds

10x Bench Press – increase each round

10x Bodyweight Squat

10x KB Swings – 16/12kg

60 seconds SMOC

5 rounds

5x Bench Press – 75% of 1RM

5x Heavy Single Arm Row e/s – DBD

60 second rest

10 minute AMRAP

5x Jumping Lunge e/s

200 meter run

3 rounds

20 seconds Sit-ups

20 seconds Toes to Sky

20 seconds Russian Twist

20 seconds Rest


  • 1 RM = 1 rep max
  • AMRAP = as many round as possible
  • BB = barbell
  • BWGU = Bodyweight Get-up
  • Countdown = each round the reps decrease
  • DBD = difficult but doable
  • DB = dumbbell
  • e/s = each side
  • KB = kettlebell
  • SBGU = Sandbag Get-up
  • SMOC = Single mode of choice
  • Single mode = Activity such as running / rowing / step-ups
  • STOC = Soft tissue of choice
  • Soft Tissue = Foam rolling or Lacrosse ball work
  • TGU = Turkish Get-up


  • The session always starts off with a “Warm-up” which in this session is 3 rounds, or “sets.” This means that you will do the circuit below it 3 times.
  • 10x represents how many “reps” you will do each round. In this case you will do 10x Bench Press, then move onto the next exercise which is 10x Bodyweight Squats, then 10x Sit-ups.
  • Instead of writing 10x, we may write something like 30 s (seconds) or 25 m (meters). The key point is that the first thing we give you is “how many, how long, or how far”
  • The exercise or mode (an activity such as running or rowing) will follow.
  • If there a specific loading it will follow as well.
  • Sometimes we will use acronyms such as SMOC (Single mode of choice), at first you will have to look them up but eventually you will speak our lingo.
  • After you’ve run through the warm-up circuit you will move to the next one.
  • The circuits that follow are all parts of your training session, do these independently of each other. So in the example to the left you will do the warm-up, then do a strength circuit, then a work capacity circuit, then a core circuit.
  • Let’s look at the first “strength” circuit now.
  • As in the Warm- up circuit you see that you will do 5 rounds (sets) total. Each round consists of 5x (reps) of Bench Press, followed by 5x Heavy Single Arm Rows on each side (e/s).
  • Notice that on the Bench Press we gave you a specific load, but on the rows you get to choose a load that is “difficult but doable” as that is not a lift we assess.
  • Also note that on this circuit there is a set amount of rest programmed in. Sometimes this rest may be “active rest” and have a resilience exercise plugged in. Something like “30 seconds Pigeon Stretch e/s”
  • You will do this circuit 5 times before moving on the the next circuit.
  • The 3rd circuit is a Work Capacity circuit. Here we indicate that instead of “Rounds” you will work for a certain number of minutes. In this case you will repeat the circuit for 10 minutes as fast as possible. AMRAP stands for “As many rounds as possible.”
  • Sometimes we will place a RPE value (rate of perceived effort) with circuits like this. This means that on a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being easy and 5 being max effort) you will move at a 4/5 effort which is moderately hard. This will look like RPE 4/5.
  • Notice in this circuit there is no rest, you simple repeat the two movements back to back for the prescribed duration.
  • Notice that for the Jumping Lunge that you will do 5x on each side, that is 10 total lunges. All uni-lateral (one sided exercises) will be programmed at a volume for each side.
  • After circuits of this nature we suggest resting for 3-5 minutes. In fact, unless you see “right into” between 2 circuits you can take a few minutes in between if you need to.
  • Finally we move into a “core” circuit which is all based on time. For this circuit you simply start the clock and keep it running. Transition from one exercise to another seamlessly. If the exercises are programmed with a number of reps (12x) then a little more time can be taken between each, but not much.